Friday, March 7, 2008


Originally uploaded by juliepass
madeline finally (with a few tears) opted for a few minutes of silly today. bedecking her head with everyone of her hair bows. notice the tears on her chin....

Thursday, March 6, 2008

little boys.

busy busy busy. running. talking. eating. taking care of business. all in the day of little max. max loves nothing more than eating! here's a glimpse of how he loves to eat his breakfast. on his fingers and all over his face.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Say hi say hello say something!

max's most absolute, positively favorite thing to do these days is talk on the phone. actually, he prefers to just carry the phone around for hours on end, but not talk! sometimes he'll babble on and on, but most of the time he just walks around with the phone to his ear. then he gets upset when you take the phone away from him! ah, the simple things.

Friday, February 1, 2008

31 days down!

yeah! does it get any better? january is OVER! spring is insight, well, at least on the far end of the horizon, but it's something to chirp about!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

new year new things to do

we're already having lots of fun this year and it's only the ninth of the month!
- mads got her little pink and green cast off! yeah! it healed well and she only has two more weeks of wearing her splint!
- uncle todd and audrey got engaged over christmas! we are all so excited. mads is a little confused since she thought she was going to marry todd at the wedding.
- hillary lost in iowa!
- max's vocabulary is expanding daily! up down out bye more daddy mommy baby
- mad's already counting down to her 5th birthday (in october). today she asked when she'll turn 11.
- alex got to see another cu game in person this season.
- mommy is cooking alot and working on a new business with her friend, amanda!
so much happening in only nine days!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

and santa came!

santa came bearing all kinds of good stuff. trash trucks, barbie and princess dressing tables. fun fun fun.


max he came! santa came! I'm so excited! they were beside themselves when they came down stairs this morning to discover that santa had come! the noises they heard last nite really were the reindeer on the roof!